Summary: | Objective: to research the transformations of senses, motives, objectives and attitudes of corruptionists with kleptomaniac addiction (bribetaker-addicts). Methods: research of personal structures were carried out within psycho-corrective sessions by such methods as analysis, synthesis, summarizing, classification, revealing the cause-effect links. Besides, such methods were used: natural experiment by A. F. Lazurskiy, free-association method by S. Freud with aiming at remembering the emotions and reflections before and after taking a bribe, inclusive observation and analysis of the objects’ activity, content-analysis. Results: the changes in objectives, attitudes, motives and senses of bribetaker-addicts are studied. Scientific novelty: personality transformations in bribetekaer-addicts are revealed, recommendations for bribetaker-addicts psycho-correction are proposed. Practical value: certain provision of the research are introduced into the psycho-corrective trainings implemented for corruption prevention in Tatarstan Republic.