Summary: | Lupin seeds of genetically improved cultivar (Golo) were subjected to different processing methods and investigated according to anti-nutritional factors content and protein quality. Results showed that tannin content of raw seeds was significantly increased in sprouted and debittered seeds before and after boiling but in fermented seeds it declined significantly. Phytate content was significantly decreased in all processed seeds with a significant reduction observed in germinated seeds. The reduction in Phytate as a result of processing was accompanied by a significant improvement in protein digestibility. The protein content of lupin seeds decreased in sprouted seeds and increased in fermented and debittered ones. Boiling of the seeds even the sprouted ones significantly increased the protein content compared to raw lupin seeds. In raw lupin seeds, globulins comprised the major fraction followed by glutelin. Debittered seeds characterized by high glutelin, fermented are characterized by high globulin while germinated characterized by both fractions. Most of the amino acids level was increased after processing of the seeds.