Summary: | This overview presents a comprehensive exploration of the research methods employed for the precise assessment of volume fraction and the detailed characterisation of the size, shape and distribution of γ’ phase precipitates within Ni-based superalloys. These advanced materials exhibit exceptional mechanical properties due to the presence of γ’ precipitates. The accurate quantification of precipitate parameters is crucial for understanding material behaviour and for the optimisation of alloy design. In this overview, a spectrum of techniques, including microscopy (SEM, TEM), diffraction (XRD), spectroscopy (EDS, EELS) and advanced imaging (3D-APT, STEM-HAADF, FIB-SEM) is discussed. Strengths, limitations and potential synergies among these methods are highlighted, offering researchers a comprehensive toolbox to advance their investigations of γ’ phase precipitates in Ni-based superalloys.