Summary: | The Hainan Island Shrew Crocidura wuchihensis is a small-bodied insectivore species belonging to the Soricidae family. In this study, we determined its the complete mitochondrial genome. The whole mitochondrial genome was found to be 17,253 bp in length and comprises 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs and a control region. The base composition of the C. wuchihensis total mitogenome as follows: A, 32.8%; G, 13.0%; T, 32.1%; and C, 22.1%, with an A + T content of 64.9%. Notably, a tandem repeat sequence (5′-CAC ACG TGT ACA-3′) was identified in the control region with 24 copy numbers. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. wuchihensis is closely related to Crocidura tanakae and Crocidura dongyangjiangensis based on the concatenated sequences of the 13 protein-coding genes. The characterization of the shrew’s mitogenome will provide the foundation for its use in population genomics and systematic studies of Soricidae.