Summary: | This study was carried out to determine the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) and LED light on improving postharvest quality of 0900 Ziraat cherry fruits. In the present study, UV-B treated to cherry fruits 10, 20, and 40 min, and then stored dark conditions. On the other hand, the blue (M), red (KR) and ultraviolet-A (UVA) LED light had applied to fruit during storage, continuously. Fruits without application were used as a control. Cherry fruits were stored at 4±1°C temperature with 85-90% RH for 35 days. As a result of the study, the best treatment in terms of increasing the TSS/TA rate (19.3), fructose (5.27%), glucose (6.22%), total soluble phenol (170.16 mg/100 mL CAE) and anthocyanin content (12.11 mg/kg FW), red color, and taste quality (4.63) of fruits was UVB20. It has also been seen that the KR treatment could be used to reducing the titratable acidity content, and increase the amount of fructose, total soluble phenol. The UV-A LED treatment is particularly significant in reducing weight loss, and providing in the fruit stalk remains green. Also, the treatments of both UVB and LED improved the color quality of cherries by increasing brightness, darkening red color, and protection of anthocyanins, whereas increased the EL. As a result, it might be concluded that the UVB20 (5.95 kJ / m2s) treatment was the best and usable treatment to maintaining both biochemical and taste quality cherry fruits during cold storage.