Summary: | War as a method of dispute resolution has been present since ancient times.
The consequences of the war affect the civilian population, perhaps even more
than members of armed forces. Among civilian victims the war makes the
greatest impact on women and children. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more
attention to this category of persons who are protected in armed conflicts.
The existing international norms and rules clearly indicate that a certain
degree of protection is achieved, but in this area of constant improvement is
necessary. This paper analyses the existing rules, noting where protection
could be improved. The work is divided into two parts. The first relates to
the special protection of women in armed conflict, and the other is dedicated
to the protection of children. In both parts the attention has been given to
the normative solutions in written International Humanitarian Law and
international custom law. All four Geneva Conventions of 1949 has been
reviewed. Additional protocols to these Conventions have also been a part of
the research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179029:
Srbija u savremenim međunarodnim odnosima: Strateški pravci razvoja i
učvršćivanja položaja Srbije u međunarodnim integrativnim procesima -
spoljnopolitički, međunarodno ekonomski, pravni i bezbednosni aspekti]