Summary: | Despite the numerous theoretical and experimental works published very recently, the way in which fission fragments acquire their angular momentum is still an open question. This angular momentum generation mechanism is important not only for improving our understanding of the fission process, but also for nuclear energy applications, since the angular momentum of fission fragments strongly impact the prompt gamma spectra and consequently the decay heat in a reactor. In this context, within the framework of a collaboration between the ‘Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Corpusculaire’ (LPSC, France), the ‘Institut Laue Langevin’ (ILL, France) and the CEA-Cadarache (France), an experimental program was developed on the LO-HENGRIN mass-spectrometer with the aim of measuring isomeric ratio of some fission products for different thermal-neutron-induced fission reactions. This paper will be focused on the results obtained for the spherical nucleus 132Sn following thermal-neutron-induced fission of both 235U and 241Pu targets. To further challenge the angular momentum generation models, 132Sn isomeric ratio (IR) was measured as a function of 132Sn fission product kinetic energy (KE). The angular momentum was determined by combining our experimental data with the calculations performed with the FIFRELIN Monte Carlo code. A clear angular momentum decrease with KE was observed for both reactions. Lastly, we investigate the dependence of the 132Sn angular momentum with the incident neutron energy, from thermal region up to 5 MeV (below the second-chance fission). For that, the four free available parameters in FIFRELIN are selected in order to reproduce the average prompt neutron multiplicity. In this way, the angular momentum is deduced for each neutron energy. These results are discussed in terms of the impact of the available intrinsic excitation energy at scission on the spin generation mechanism.