Summary: | Background and Aims: Ionizing radiation procedures are indispensable in medical clinical practice. Exposure to radiation at any dose could have serious adverse effects. Anesthesiologists working in interventional radiology suites are at a higher risk of radiation exposure than other personnel. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of anesthesiology trainees towards the radiation hazards and current safety practices.
Methods: This prospective cross-sectional survey was conducted at the department of anesthesiology at Aga Khan University. All anesthesiology trainees working in the department were given a 12-question paper-based survey after getting ethical review committee approval and informed consent. The questionnaire contained requests for personal demographic data and specific questions regarding radiation protection.
Results: A total of 54 participants were included in this survey. Thirty-two (59.3%) were male, and 22 (40.7%) were female. The average year of experience working in anesthesia of the participants was 2.8 ± 1.65 years (range, one to eight years). Frequency of radiation exposure of 32 (59.3%) participants was 1-5 times per week. Approximately 68.5% (37/54) of participants believed they took adequate precautions for protection against radiation. Only 20.4% (11/54) used both a lead apron and a thyroid shield for prevention of radiation exposure. Most participants using the radiation shield or clothing (70.4%; 38/54) cited concerns about cancer.
Conclusions: A lack of knowledge persists among anesthesiology trainees in our institute regarding the risks associated with ionizing radiation. This study also serves to highlight the need for anesthesiology trainees to protect themselves properly. Radiation dose, hazards, and protection strategies must be included in the basic curriculum of medical colleges.