Summary: | Louise Dabène was one of a pioneer in the research on intercomprehension (IC), influencing the development of plurilingual education. Following her steps, an international research group was developed and further developed Dabène’s research on IC, starting with the written IC between pairs of languages (with Galatea), until teacher education to deal with IC as a teaching and learning resource (with Galapro). The team also initiated studies on oral IC, and both receptive and productive IC studies (from Galanet to Miriadi). Following these developments, new thematic are emerging, such as the assessment of competences in IC (with EVAL-IC). On the basis of Louise Dabène’s landmark work, “Repères sociolinguistiques pour l’enseignement de langues », published in 1994, we will analyse the sociolinguistic conditions that allowed IC to emerge as a teaching and learning approach, able to provide an answer to challenges created by individual and societal “complex linguistic situations”. We will take a closer look at how IC can foster a “didactics of plurilingual situations”, through the provocative way it challenges language designations and their status, roles, and hierarchies.