Summary: | Combining ability analysis performed using 15 parental lines and their 54 hybrids in pearl millet in L x T mating design.
The magnitude of SCA variances was higher than the GCA variances for all the characters, which indicated predominance
of non-additive gene action in the inheritance of these traits and it was further supported by less magnitude of σ2
gca / σ2
ratios. Based on general combining ability (gca) effects, none of the parent was good general combiners for all the
characters. Among females, JMSA-9904 was good general combiner for grain yield per plant and protein content.
Whereas, male parent J-2507 was good general combiner for grain yield per plant, Fe content and Zn content. The heterotic
hybrid ICMA-96333 x J-2512 had recorded high sca effects for grain yield per plant and exhibited positive significant sca
for Zn content. The hybrid ICMA-96333 x J-2510 was recorded high and favourable sca effect for Fe content (50.12) and
Zn content (44.07). In case of protein content, hybrid JMSA-9904 x J-2538 was exhibited high positive sca effect, this
cross also recorded positive sca effect for Fe content, Zn content and grain yield.