Summary: | Flowering Chinese cabbage (<i>Brassica campestris</i> L. ssp. <i> chinensis</i> var. <i>utilis</i> Tsen et Lee) is an original leafy vegetable from China, and it is a valuable source of bioactive compounds. In the literature, there are no practical recommendations for the cultivation and fertilization of this species. Our study aimed to investigate the effect of nitrogen nutrition levels (70 and 90 mg N per dm<sup>3</sup>) and various foliar treatments (Se, Si, Li, V, and SA—salicylic acid) on the quantity of the yield and the quality of flowering Chinese cabbage grown in two varied soilless cultivation systems: under pot cultivation (mixture of peat and sand) and hydroponic culture. In conducted studies, we have confirmed the hypothesis that the intensity of nitrogen nutrition and the application of foliar spraying modify the yield of plants, both the quantity and the quality aspects. The factors under analysis had a diversified and multidirectional influence on the yield, growth, and quality of the plants. The results varied between the two cultivation systems. This was proved by the PCA (principal component analysis). Generally, the plants grown in the hydroponic system were characterized by higher yields than those grown in pot cultivation. This was found to be a stimulating effect of N nutrition on the content of that nutrient in the aerial parts of the plants. Plants sprayed with Si and Se were characterized by a high content of Chl <i>a</i>, Chl <i>b</i>, carotenoids, and relatively high antioxidant activity. Finally, the samples subjected to different foliar spray treatments could be classified into appropriate groups based on the quality parameters.