Summary: | The present paper explains why Kierkegaard affirms that the modern thinkers are wrong when they understand their own philosophy as a christian philosophy. The main problem of modern thought is that it lacks of a correct concept of sin. Because of that, the philosophy of the Modern age can only develop an ethic theory but not an ethic for the actual life. Only Christianity has a proper concept of sin that´s why the only true ethic is the christian one. First, the paper exposes and criticizes two objections (Aristotle and Descartes) against the intellectual ethic from Kierkegaard´s point of view. Second, the paper reconstructs the notion of human will wich is developed in Either Or. Third, the paper analyzes the main argument of Sickness unto Death: without the christian idea of the will, as Kierkegaard interprets it in Sickness unto Death, the socratic and intellectual conception of the sin can not be overcome.