Crynodeb: | To explore the spatial network structure characteristics and driving effects of carbon emission intensity in China’s construction industry, this paper measures the carbon emission data of China’s construction industry in various provinces from 2006 to 2017 and then combines the modified gravity model and social network analysis method to deeply analyze the spatially associated network structure characteristics and driving effects of the carbon emission intensity in China’s construction industry. The results show that the regional differences of the carbon emissions of the construction industry are significant, and the carbon emission intensity of the construction industry shows a fluctuating trend. The overall network of carbon emission intensity shows an obvious “core-edge” state, and the hierarchical network structure is gradually broken. Economically developed provinces generally play a leading role in the network and play an intermediary role to guide other provinces to develop together with them. Among the network blocks, most of the blocks play the role of “brokers”. The block with the leading economic development has a strong influence on the other blocks. The increase in network density and the decrease in network hierarchy and network efficiency will reduce the construction carbon emission intensity.