Summary: | Purpose. The social and political role of religious institutions has been an important topic among researchers due to high impact of religious organizations on a society. Russian Orthodox Church as an institution closely related to State is significant for Russian researchers. Another important topic is Russian-American relations and the history of interactions between two states. This paper is dedicated to history of spreading of Russian Orthodoxy across USA during the period of Russian Empire. It includes an analysis of Orthodox diocese’s social and political role in new lands.
Methodology. The research is based on the analysis of open sources and demographic data within historical-genetic, comparative-historical methods.
Results. The research revealed that the activity of Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska during the 1794–1867 has mainly consisted of enlightenment and educational services, humanitarian aid and control of socio-political situation. The transfer of Alaska from Russia to USA had led to territorial expansion of diocese and change in its status and functions. Thus, apart from missionary, it had focused on financial aid and immigrant assistance for new arrivals. Also the activity of Russian Orthodox diocese in USA could have a minor influence on diplomatic relations of Russia with Austro-Hungarian Empire and Greece.
Scope of application of the results. Results could be used for further researches of social and political role of Russian Orthodox Church, Russian-American religious relations and Church’s international affairs.