Summary: | The current paper addresses the <em>Kallatianoi </em>and <em>Odessitai</em> who are epigraphically attested in other cities of the ancient world than the ones from which they originate. The intention is to record them and their personal histories and to trace their geographical mobility over the centuries, from the first attestation and up to the 3rd century AD. This article continues the works of Ligia Ruscu<a title="" href="applewebdata://CF6C0954-3C0B-4B79-8113-A9A359B2A7C0#_ftn1">[1]</a> and Alexandru Avram,<a title="" href="applewebdata://CF6C0954-3C0B-4B79-8113-A9A359B2A7C0#_ftn2">[2]</a> through the further examination and interpretation of the epigraphical data pertaining to these two cities. The sample excludes those persons whom are attested by literary sources, or through coins, even though they are briefly mentioned.<div><br clear="all" /><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /><div><p><a title="" href="applewebdata://CF6C0954-3C0B-4B79-8113-A9A359B2A7C0#_ftnref1">[1]</a> RUSCU 1996; RUSCU 2004.</p></div><div><p><a title="" href="applewebdata://CF6C0954-3C0B-4B79-8113-A9A359B2A7C0#_ftnref2">[2]</a> ISM III, p. 185-187 (AVRAM); AVRAM 2013.</p></div></div>