Summary: | Kitaev’s 0– π qubit encodes quantum information in two protected, near-degenerate states of a superconducting quantum circuit. In a recent work, we have shown that the coherence times of a realistic 0– π device can surpass that of today’s best superconducting qubits (Groszkowski et al 2018 New J. Phys. 20 043053). Here we address controllability of the 0– π qubit. Specifically, we investigate the potential for dispersive control and readout, and introduce a new, fast and high-fidelity single-qubit gate that can interpolate smoothly between logical X and Z . We characterize the action of this gate using a multi-level treatment of the device, and analyze the impact of circuit-element disorder and deviations in control and circuit parameters from their optimal values. Furthermore, we propose a cooling scheme to decrease the photon shot-noise dephasing rate, which we previously found to limit the coherence times of 0– π devices within reach of current experiments. Using this approach, we predict coherence time enhancements between one and three orders of magnitude, depending on parameter regime.