Summary: | Twenty (20) vertical electrical soundings were acquired using ABEM SAS 300 terrameter in order to determine the
hydraulic characteristics of the identified aquifers within Adamu Augie College of Education Argungu near Birnin Kebbi,
Northwestern Nigeria. The data were interpreted and seven sounding curves were obtained (KH, HQ, HA, HK, AA, A, and Q).
The generated geoelectric sections characterized the subsurface into six lithologic units (topsoil, clayey sand, sandstone, clay,
shale and sand) with sandstone and sand constituting the major aquifers in the area. The resistivity layer parameters delineated
across the entire area were used to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the identified aquifers. The delineated layers above
the aquifers showed transverse resistance ranging from 333.06Ωm2
to 23100.61Ωm2
, longitudinal conductance S from 0.025047
to 1.226506 mhos, hydraulic conductivity K from 0.44 m/day to 25.57 m/day, transmissivity T from 7.144 m2
/day to
/day, and coefficient of anisotropy from 0.98 to 1.0. The protective map shows that about 75% of the area falls within
poor overburden protective capacity, 20% constitute moderate protective capacity, while the remaining 5% have good protective
capacity rating. Therefore, the hydraulic characteristics of the area suggest that the materials above aquifers are less protected,
and by implication vulnerable to infiltration.