Summary: | Following the experience with the Horizon-10T detector systems, a completely new detector of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) has been designed to be built at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan. The motivation of building HorizonT-Kazakhstan is to study in detail the phenomenon of the multi-modal EAS events that were initially explored by Horizon-8T and 10T detector systems. This detector will have a ns-level resolution of charged particle arrival times and pulse shape resolution. Each detection point is designed to have a total scintillation area approximately equal to 7.7 m2 and consists of three 1.6×1.6 m detectors located in a triangular arrangement for the local determination of the EAS disk arrival direction, and to have ns precision in timing between points. Local arrival direction is important following evidence of large angle differences in the multimodal events seen previously.