Summary: | The teaching of Mathematics undergoes transformations through a society that is in
constant development, however, the teaching approaches must reach, accompany these social changes.
Teaching mathematics nowadays goes beyond recognizing numbers and formulas, since it is necessary to
contextualize with the student's day-to-day life. The objective of this article was a reflection proposed in
an Extension Course entitled: Mathematics and Textile Genres, held in August, at the State University of
Alagoas-UNEAL, which was offered by the Pro-rectory of Extension and aimed to promote The
interdisciplinarity between Mathematics Teaching through the different Genres related to the discipline
exists our language, since, several authors as: Bakhtin (2000); D'Ambrósio (2001) and Marcuschi (2003)
argue that communication is correlated to a type of genre and also emphasize that it does not exist
without being through it. Then, the course had as a methodology the debate, in the first moment, of the
theoretical references and then an evaluation within the proposal of that one to reach the results.