AN OBJECT ORIENTED APPROACH FOR CREATING WEB SERVICE PRESENCE SYSTEM aFandy Setyo Utomo, bYuli Purwati a Information System Department, b Informatics Engineering Department a,bSTMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto Watumas, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah E-Mail: Abstrak Web Servi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Fandy Setyo Utomo, Yuli Purwat
Format: Article
Published: Informatics Department, Engineering Faculty 2013-07-01
Series:Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor: Menuju Solusi Teknologi Informasi
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Summary:AN OBJECT ORIENTED APPROACH FOR CREATING WEB SERVICE PRESENCE SYSTEM aFandy Setyo Utomo, bYuli Purwati a Information System Department, b Informatics Engineering Department a,bSTMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto Watumas, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah E-Mail: Abstrak Web Service dengan metode SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) berbasis teknologi ASP.NET digunakan sebagai solusi dalam proses integrasi data dan distribusi data. Teknologi web service mampu mengintegrasikan data dari tiap database presensi di ruang kelas, sehingga menghasilkan laporan memonitor kehadiran dosen, karyawan, dan asisten praktikum, yang sebelumnya belum mampu dilakukan oleh sistem aplikasi presensi. Selain itu, web service mampu mendistribusikan data yang dibutuhkan untuk proses presensi dari database akademik menuju database presensi di tiap ruang kelas, serta dengan adanya web service proses backup data presensi dari database presensi di tiap ruang kelas menuju database akademik dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Kemudahan-kemudahan yang muncul tersebut akibat adanya penerapan teknologi web service, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan layanan dan kinerja dari bagian pengajaran selaku pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengadaan laporan monitoring kehadiran dosen dan mahasiswa, bagian SDM forum asisten selaku pihak yang bertanggungjawab dalam pengadaan laporan memonitor kehadiran asisten praktikum, dan bagian IT selaku pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam proses distribusi data presensi dan backup data presensi. Langkah penelitian yang dilakukan dimulai dari analisis dan desain sistem berorientasi objek, serta implementasi ASP. NET web service. Kata kunci: Sistem Presensi, Web Service, SOAP, ASP.NET. Abstract Web Service with SOAP method (Simple Object Access Protocol) is used as the ASP.NET technology-based solutions in the process of data integration and data distribution. Web service technology is able to integrate data from each presence database in the classroom, resulting in a monitoring report attendance lecturer, staff, and lab assistant, who previously have not been able to do by the presence of application systems. In addition, the web service is able to distribute the data required for the presence of the database to the database of academic presence in each classroom, as well as with the web service data backup process in the presence of presence of each database classrooms toward academic database can be done easily. Easiness that arise as a result of the application of web services technology, is expected to improve the performance of the service and teaching as part of the responsible parties in the procurement monitoring report the presence of faculty and students, the HRD assistant forum as the party in charge of procurement monitoring report the presence of lab assistant, and IT as part of the responsible parties in the process of data distribution and data backup presence. Stages of study started from object oriented analysis and design, and implementation ASP.NET web. Keywords: Presence System, Web Service, SOAP, ASP.NET