Summary: | Entomopathogenic nematodes have been evaluated for control of mosquito species for decades. Depending on the nematode and mosquito involved, mortality rates of larvae (L) may reach 100% in vitro. Nonetheless, nematode efficacy at oviposition sites has rarely been assessed. Heterorhabditis indica LPP35 has been shown to kill over 75% of Aedes aegypti L3/L4 in cups and bottles outdoors. To assess its efficacy in indoor oviposition sites, different types/sizes of floor drains and pot saucers, and 65 liter water barrels, were infested with L3/L4 and treated with two doses of infective juveniles (IJs). In floor drains, mortality rates varied from 45 to 82%, with better results in the smallest drains. The adjustable dose of 25 IJs/cm2 of the drain’s bottom internal surface gave better results than the fixed dose of 100 IJs/larva. Mortality rates were only 28 to 53% and 0.1 to 1.7% in pot saucers and water barrels, respectively, probably because ridges and grooves that marked the bottom internal surface of these containers hindered the encounter of larvae and IJs.