Summary: | Dustiness of the mine atmosphere during carrying out exploitation is one of the most hazardous factors threaten to health and life of employees. Also it is large hazard for all type of mechanical and electrical devices operating in mining headings. Coal dust is also very dangerous due to its possibility of explosion. Currently applied technologies of rock mass mining process, entire transport process of output and applied ventilation system cause that rock and coal dust is presented practically in each of the mining heading. Practically, is impossible to eliminate dust from mining headings. However, one can determine its parameters and potential ways its displacement. In the paper there is presented modeling research methodology of dustiness state in a driven dog heading. Developed model is the basis for this methodology, including the diphase flow of mixture of air and dust in the mining heading. Analysis was performed for real driven dog heading. Based on performed analyses, distributions of particular fraction and movement trajectories of selected dust grains were determined. Developed methodology gives a lot of opportunities for analysis of dustiness state in mining headings and in other compartments. It enables to determine parameters of particular grains and their impact on ventilation parameters of the air stream in the tested headings. Obtained results can also be used to reduce dust hazard.