Summary: | 植物油中的色素不仅会影响油脂的色泽,还会降低油脂的品质和贮藏稳定性。脱色过程是去除油脂不良色泽的重要工序,而吸附脱色是油脂企业加工过程中最常用的脱色方法。概述了植物油中色素的来源以及色素的存在对油脂营养和安全性的影响,简要介绍了膜脱色法、光能脱色法、超声辅助脱色法、热脱色法、吸附脱色法等常见的脱色方法,综述了活性白土、活性炭、凹凸棒土(石)、硅胶和复合脱色剂等吸附剂的应用研究进展,总结了吸附脱色目前所存在的问题,如脱色过程中废白土处理率低、深色油脂脱色难,并提出了解决建议(提高废白土中油脂的回收利用,开发针对性的脱色方法等),最后针对目前油脂工业脱色技术的现状和在脱色过程中需要解决的问题进行了思考和展望。
The pigment in vegetable oil not only affects the color of the oil, but also reduces the quality and storage stability of the oil. Bleaching process is an important process to remove the undesirable color of oils, and adsorption bleaching is the most common bleaching method used in oils enterprises. The sources of pigments in vegetable oils and the influence of the presence of pigments on the nutrition and safety of oils were outlined, the common bleaching methods such as membrane bleaching, light energy bleaching, ultrasonic assisted bleaching, thermal bleaching and adsorption bleaching were briefly introduced, and the progress on the application of adsorbents such as activated white clay, activated carbon, concave convex clay, silica gel and compound decolorant was reviewed. Some problems such as low processing rate of spent white clay in the bleaching process, difficult bleaching of oils with dark color were summarized, and countermeasures (improving the recovery and utilization of oils in spent white clay, and developing targeted bleaching method) were put forward. Finally, the current status of bleaching technology in oil industry and the problems that need to be solved in the bleaching process were considered and prospected.