Summary: | Introduction: dentigerous or follicular cyst develops by accumulation of fluid between the crown of the tooth and the cells of the epithelium of the enamel organ, that is to say, it originates in the epithelium of the dental follicle. It surrounds the dental crown of a normal or supernumerary tooth and put a stop to its eruption, which is related to retained teeth. It represents 17 % of odontogenic cysts.
Case report: 15 year old male, white race patient, who started to notice secretions coming out through a solution of continuity in the alveolar ridge mucosa in the left maxillary tuberosity region. He also presented swelling of the hemicara and pain, and was treated at primary care with penicillin, cephalexin and metronidazole without clinical improvement. Imaging studies were indicated, making the diagnosis of a dentigerous cyst associated with the third molar retained in the left maxillary sinus. Microbial therapy was indicated, performing the surgery with a sinus approach by Caldwell Luc.
Conclusions: imaging and pathological diagnosis allowed a timely identification, ruling out lesions of greater impact on health, especially in less frequent locations. Surgical treatment permitted the removal of the cyst, improving the health status and symptoms of the patient.