Summary: | The on site concreting of constructions, require some regulations to guide the construction companiesto execute the concreting operations according to the status and potential of existing technologies.In Cuba were used for a long time many regulations and construction technical standards issued bythe Ministry of Construction and relating companies, and was published in 1990 the only one versionof Technological Charts for concreting operations on site, about the existing constructions in Cuba,that are in obsolescence in this moment. During more than two decades, the country has experimentedvery rapidly develop of on site concreting technologies according with the development achieved bythe construction industry, importing or producing new efficient and productive equipments. The newtechnological charts are the result of the authors research project. They have proposed the suitableprocedures for the preparation, transportation, pouring, compaction and curing of the concrete mix incorrespondence with the country "state of the art", and the consumption normative of workers,equipments, time and costs of these activities, using the "concreting flow" as a regulator of theconcreting system.