Summary: | The present work is a science–theoretical study about a number of contemporary historians (Marc Bloch, Georges Duby, Arlette Farge, Carlo Ginzburg); it aims to delineate a symptomatological approach to techniques of archives’ reading. The aforementioned approach consists in detecting within the “lapsus” of narrative sources, the traces of historical reality the archive can neither see nor think because of its relationship with social powers and institutions. This viewpoint enables the analysis of many historical works dealing with such themes as the relationship between archives and institutions, between historical knowledge and the voices of people that lived in the past, between historians and powers, between narration and reality, between social structures and singular cases, which the text treats by the means of a detailed analysis of works of A. Farge’s and C. Ginzburg’s.This work points towards an articulation between historical knowledge and philosophical reflection based on the attention to the heterogeneous in discourses and social relationships.