Summary: | Objective
We tried to develop smoking cessation program for pregnant smokers at an obstetric clinic.
We asked 10 obstetric clinics to participate in this projects from July to August, 2018. Eventually, 4 clinics responded to our request for participation. We provided them a device for measuring respiratory carbon monoxide, manual for instruction of smoking cessation in a pregnant smoker conducted by health professionals, and right for health professionals to access the internet e-learning program of smoking cessation called J-STOP. A doctor and midwifes at each clinic conducted intervention of pregnant smoker for smoking cessation from September, 2018 to March, 2019, using the manual of smoking cessation for a pregnant smoker.
30 pregnant smokers had been involved in this program with written informed consent. Their average age (standard deviation or SD) was 29.2 years (5.4), and their average number of cigarettes per day was 8.5 pieces (5.6). Their average value of respiratory carbon monoxide (CO) concentration was 8.6ppm (6.3), and 28 subjects (93.3%) had at least a smoker in household, including 24 subjects of smoking partner. Among them, 4 subjects stopped smoking just before the survey, and residual 20 subjects stated that they would like to stop smoking in 6 months.
Because most of pregnant smokers desired to stop smoking, it is important to develop the way for their smoking cessation.