Summary: | During the period from 2018 to 2020, a survey of macrofungi in northern Thailand was conducted and seven specimens of <i>Volvariella</i> were collected. The morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and large subunit (nrLSU) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence data indicated that three specimens belonged to <i>V</i>. <i>bombycina</i> and <i>V</i>. <i>volvacea</i>. Four other specimens were distinct from all other known species within the genus <i>Volvariella</i>. We described these specimens as two new species, namely <i>V</i>. <i>neovolvacea</i> and <i>V. thailandensis</i>. Comprehensive descriptions, illustrations, line drawings, and a phylogenetic tree are provided to show the position of the two new species. The comparisons between morphologically similar and phylogenetically related species are also discussed.