Summary: | O trabalho teve, como objetivo principal, verificar se a antropometria (ANT) e a impedância bioelétrica (BIA) fornecem resultados concordantes com os obtidos pela absortiometria de raios-X de dupla energia (DXA), quanto à massa (MG) e à porcentagem de gordura (%GC), à massa livre de gordura corporal (MLG) e ao índice de MLG (IMLG= MLG/estatura²), em indivíduos adultos (³ 50 anos), do sexo masculino, sadios (n=23) e em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) (n=24). As comparações entre as técnicas de composição do corpo foram feitas utilizando ANOVA por medidas repetidas; para análise de concordância, utilizou-se o procedimento de Bland & Altman. Resultados e Conclusões: 1) valores obtidos no grupo sadio foram significantemente diferentes dos observados no grupo com DPOC; 2) não foram observadas diferenças significantes, nos indivíduos sadios, entre DXA ´ BIA e entre DXA ´ ANT; em DPOC, a comparação entre DXA ´ BIA revelou, para BIA, valores estatisticamente maiores para MG e %GC e menores para MLG e IMLG; na comparação DXA ´ ANT, não houve diferenças significantes entre as variáveis; 3) a aplicação do teste de Bland & Altman, em ambos os grupos, mostrou falta de concordância na comparação da BIA com DXA e, também, da ANT com DXA; verificou-se, também, superestimação da gordura corporal e subestimação da MLG pela BIA, em relação à DXA.<br>Comparative analysis of body composition assessment methods in healthy men and in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The aim of this study was to examine the agreement between the results of body fat (BF and BF%), fat-free mass (FFM) and FFM index (FFMI= FFM/height²) as estimated by skinfold anthropometry (ANT), bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in two groups of men (³ 50 y), one comprising healthy individuals (n=23) and the other, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (n=24). Comparisons between body composition techniques were done by repeated measures ANOVA; the Bland & Altman procedure was used to analyse agreement. Results and Conclusions: 1) comparison between healthy and COPD groups showed significant differences between all studied variables; 2) in the healthy group, values for BF, BF% , FFM and FFMI were not significantly different when BIA or ANT was compared to DXA; however, in COPD, values for BF and BF% were significantly higher and for FFM and FFMI significantly lower when BIA was compared to DXA; in contrast, no differences were shown between values for these variables when ANT was compared with DXA; 3) Bland & Altman test, in both groups, showed no agreement between BIA and DXA and between ANT and DXA; it was also shown that body fat was overestimated and fat free mass underestimated by BIA in relation to DXA.