Summary: | Between the town of Poipet and the Rong Klua market, at the border of Thailand and Cambodia, we oberved the movements of illegal populations or those living at the fringes of the society. We realize a sketche of a «geographical» map which allows us to locate and classify the multiple activities in a protean market. In order to know how many persons live in this market, permanently or not, legally or not, we observed various border locations and illegal passages to better understand the relationships and the differences, locally accepted, between legal and illegal workers. Thus, we find out from where these inhabitants came from and why did they come. It seems fundamental to analyze their own reconstitution of a history based on a resilience, a history which became their history, even if it had emerged from poverty and on debris of another history as much significant than misery, because the Khmer Rouge camps where built here. Economic and social relations are re-interpreted within a framework of mental cartography based on myths and rituals, specifically khmer which regains force here. This cartography, build upon a teared apart social network, from a ritual territory, helped by the use of khmer language, allow the Cambodian workers to carry on a symbolic struggle which they daily conduct in order to resist to the Thai domination.