Comparison of Dynamic Games in Application to Safe Ship Control

The paper introduces methods of dynamic games for automation of ship control in the collision situation, the game control processes in marine navigation and the fundamental mathematical model of the game ship control. First, state equations, control and state constraints and then control goal functi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Lisowski Józef
Format: Article
Published: Sciendo 2014-10-01
Series:Polish Maritime Research
Online Access:
Summary:The paper introduces methods of dynamic games for automation of ship control in the collision situation, the game control processes in marine navigation and the fundamental mathematical model of the game ship control. First, state equations, control and state constraints and then control goal function in the form of payments: the integral payment and the final one, have been defined. Multi-stage positional, and multi-step matrix, non-cooperative and cooperative, game and optimum control algorithms for a collision situation, have been presented. Te considerations have been illustrated with an exemplary computer simulation of algorithms to determine a safe own ship's trajectory in the process of passing the ships encountered in Kattegat Strait.