Summary: | To measure the distinct interaction of the Earth's materials with solar electromagnetic radiation, field spectroradiometers are commonly utilized. These are used to validate spectroradiometers deployed on various platforms through comparison exercises. Following metrology standards, the inclusion of uncertainties is required. Thus, field spectroradiometers need to be calibrated regularly against traceable radiance sources. In this article, we present a laboratory radiometric calibration protocol for the calibration of a heliosphere integrating sphere to make it traceable to the International System of Units as well as to establish an uncertainty budget. We adopted a transfer radiometer approach including four spectroradiometers that were calibrated at the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt Radiometric Standard facility before transferring that calibration to the heliosphere. After considering various sources of uncertainty by employing an uncertainty tree diagram approach, we arrive at an overall propagated uncertainty of approximately 1.5%. In future publications, we will present how to extend the traceability to other attenuations provided by the heliosphere. Its application to the calibration of a field spectroradiometer will be the focus of a future publication.