Constructing physical space design for high color gamut in mixed reality environment

This paper presents a physical space design method for mixed reality-based immersive environments by improving the color rendering of optically visible head-mounted displays. In OST-HMD, the phenomenon that the light of the external environment is combined with the enhanced image occurs, which reduc...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Jihyung Kim, Jonghyeon Ka, Ju Hong Park, Wooksung Kim
Format: Article
Published: Taylor & Francis Group 2023-10-01
Series:Journal of Information Display
Online Access:
Summary:This paper presents a physical space design method for mixed reality-based immersive environments by improving the color rendering of optically visible head-mounted displays. In OST-HMD, the phenomenon that the light of the external environment is combined with the enhanced image occurs, which reduces the visibility of the content. Moreover, previous studies to solve this problem required additional optical components or performed only simple verification. Proposed physical space was designed using black curtains, blinds, low-reflection structures, and adjustable lighting. The physical space can be adapted to the intended use of the physical space through physical transitions for multiple users without additional optics. To verify the usefulness of this environment, we measured the color gamut and intensity spectrum in three experimental environments. Also, we analyzed the factors that change the color gamut according to the components and the surrounding environment. As a result, the color gamut improved by up to 4.7 times from 19.92% to 93.53% based on the environment and improved by up to 4.1 times from 21% to 86.29% depending on the location. The experimental results revealed that the presented method could reduce the factors that degrade the color gamut within all measurement locations and significantly improve the color gamut.