Summary: | The vast territorial expansion of Portugal during the colonial era resulted in a significant global diaspora network, with
one such community situated in South Africa. Multiple waves of immigration from Portugal, its autonomous regions, and former
African colonies have given rise to an established diasporic community in South Africa. Acting as a vital communication
channel, the O Século de Joanesburgo newspaper played a crucial role in keeping the South African Portuguese diaspora
informed about the broader Portuguese community both locally and abroad, thereby fostering connections between the
community and their homeland. Throughout the years, the newspaper extensively featured travel-related content, employing
various strategies to encourage travel to the homeland. This paper investigates how travel was depicted and promoted to the
South African Portuguese diaspora through the newspaper. Using archival material from the newspaper, significant themes can
be identified related to travel within the community. These encompass journeys to the homeland, encouragement for seaside
property investments in Portugal, and indications of domestic tourism within South Africa. Overall, this research contributes to
the broader discourse on the development of diasporic communities and emphasizes the integral role of travel in their existence.