Summary: | Any modern science that knows its object finally moves from a subject to a systemic cognitive level, from unambiguous to having multiple meanings, from linear to hierarchical, from singlemeasured to multi-dimensional, from co-ordination to subordination. The reason for this is to expand the cognitive borders of the object, to receive more knowledge about it and to form a system of this knowledge. Therefore, the subject of cognition changes from the structure and elements of an object to the relations of the elements, laws of organisational systems, the continuum of the interacting categories, specific causes, particularities, foundations and regularities. The complexity of the object of science, its main parameters, attributes and functions cause this process. Therefore, the first condition of cognition is to divide a system into qualitatively coherent entities (elements, parts, structures, attributes, etc.). The dissecting of a complex object into parts and attributes should eliminate the approach to it as to an aggregate of chaotic elements, structures, and particularities. From now on it is approached as a multi-systematic entity, marking relevant system of methodological factors, the limits and levels of the analysis of an object.All this can be applied to a book as to a complex, multi-systemic and multi-dimensional object. The aim of this article is to make an attempt to discuss a book as a theoretical and gnoseological phenomenon, to define the contours of its main qualitative entities. The objective is to distinguish the most important parts of a book as a system and to define their methodological factors.