Summary: | The purpose of this paper is to investigate the problems and prospects of providing of solid fuel sector of bioenergetics with agro raw materials in Ukraine. The modern condition of domestic solid biofuel production from agricultural waste is researched in the article. This paper presents data regarding developments in the field of renewable energy sources based on agricultural raw material, in particular, straw and sunflower husks. It has come to light that the Ukrainian undeveloped market of biomass is characterized by specific problems as to logistics, accessibility of agro raw materials, difficulty of keeping agricultural waste, absence of biomass stock exchange, insufficiency of reliable biomass suppliers, absence of motivation among agrarians, intricacy of making long-term contracts, risk of biomass low quality. Modernized measures permitting to change the existing situation of providing the bioenergetics sector with agricultural waste are determined, among them: creation of biomass stock exchange, formation of complex transport infrastructure, introduction a purveying scheme into the production cycle, creation of bioenergetical clasters. The possibilities of the agrarian sector to be an equal supplier of raw materials for the needs of solid fuel bioenergetics are summarized.