Summary: | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Based on an analysis of the cult around the tantric goddess Kāmākhya from Assam, I will discuss her appeal for both laypeople and ascetics. A special feature is that she menstruates and that her blood is held to have thaumaturgical as well as transformative properties. For laypeople the hope is that it will have a positive effect on their lives here and now, and for the ascetics that it will give rise to an internal process with a soteriological goal in mind. Consequently, I shall present a differentiation between a hardcore and a softcore tantrism and, furthermore, their interrelationship.
DANSK RESUMÉ: Med udgangspunkt i en analyse af kulten omkring den tantriske gudinde Kāmakhya fra Assam diskuteres hendes brede appeal for både lægfolk og asketer. Det specielle ved gudinden er, at hun menstruerer, og at blodet tillægges både thaumaturgiske og transformative egenskaber. For lægfolk er håbet, at det kan have positiv effekt for deres liv nu og her, for asketer at det vil sætte gang i en individuel proces med et soteriologisk mål for øje. I den forbindelse vil en skelnen imellem en hard core- og en soft core-tantrisme og deres interrelation blive præsenteret.