Summary: | Upon its discovery, Alzheimer’s, the neurodegenerative disease that affects many millions of patients in the world, remained without an effective therapy. The first drugs, made available near the end of last century, induced some effects, which remained only marginal. More promising effects are now present, induced by two approaches. Blockers of the enzyme BACE-1 induce, in neurons and glial cells, decreased levels of Aβ, the key peptide of the Alzheimer’s disease. If administered at early AD steps, the BACE-1 blockers preclude further development of the disease. However, they have no effect on established, irreversible lesions. The extracellular vesicles secreted by mesenchymal stem cells induce therapy effects analogous, but more convenient, than the effects of their original cells. After their specific fusion to target cells, the action of these vesicles depends on their ensuing release of cargo molecules, such as proteins and many miRNAs, active primarily on the cell cytoplasm. Operationally, these vesicles exhibit numerous advantages: they exclude, by their accurate selection, the heterogeneity of the original cells; exhibit molecular specificity due to their engineering and drug accumulation; and induce effective actions, mediated by variable concentrations of factors and molecules and by activation of signaling cascades. Their strength is reinforced by their combination with various factors and processes. The recent molecular and operations changes, induced especially by the stem cell target cells, result in encouraging and important improvement of the disease. Their further development is expected in the near future.