Summary: | The energy storage inverter system has the characteristics of nonlinearity, strong coupling, variable parameters, and flexible mode switching between parallel and off grid. In order to improve the control performance of the grid-side inverter of the energy storage system, an improved Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control (LADRC) based on proportional differentiation is proposed to replace the traditional LADRC in the voltage outer loop control. In this paper, the observation gain coefficient of the sum of the disturbances of the traditional Linear Extended State Observer (LESO) is improved to a proportional differentiation link, which effectively reduces the degree of the disturbance observation amplitude drop and the phase lag, and increases the observation bandwidth of LESO. Compared with traditional LADRC, it not only improves the observation accuracy of LESO for disturbance, but also improves the anti-interference performance of LADRC. Finally, the control effects of improved LADRC and traditional LADRC on low-voltage ride-through at different degrees are analyzed and compared through simulation, which proves the rationality of the controller designed in this paper.