Peran kecerdasan spiritual pribadi muslim dalam menghadapi quarter life crisis

Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of Muslim personal spiritual intelligence in overcoming the quarter life crisis problem in the research subject. The method used is a qualitative approach with data sources derived from observations and interviews with five subjects with the criteria o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hidayatul Fikra
Format: Article
Published: Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 2022-06-01
Online Access:
Summary:Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of Muslim personal spiritual intelligence in overcoming the quarter life crisis problem in the research subject. The method used is a qualitative approach with data sources derived from observations and interviews with five subjects with the criteria of being Muslim, aged 18-29 years and having experienced a quarter life crisis as well as from other literature related to the research theme. The results of the study illustrate that all subjects have experienced a quarter life crisis, especially in matters of work and love. This is caused by various factors including education and skills that are not relevant to the desired job, the criteria for prospective partners are set, and future concerns are not in line with family expectations. However, the spiritual intelligence possessed turned out to play a role in helping to overcome the felt indecision. This intelligence also adds confidence to the subject that there is wisdom behind all the difficulties faced. From this research, it can be concluded that spiritual intelligence plays a role in overcoming the quarter life crisis for a Muslim, so it is necessary to increase spiritual intelligence from an early age in individuals. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas peran kecerdasan spiritual pribadi muslim dalam mengatasi permasalahan quarter life crisis pada subjek penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data berasal dari observasi dan wawancara terhadap lima orang subjek dengan kriteria beragama Islam, berusia 18-29 tahun dan pernah mengalami quarter life crisis serta dari literatur lain yang terkait dengan tema penelitian. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa semua subjek pernah mengalami quarter life crisis terutama dalam masalah pekerjaan dan asmara. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor diantaranya pendidikan dan skill yang tidak relevan dengan pekerjaan yang diinginkan, kriteria calon pasangan yang ditetapkan, dan kekhawatiran masa depan tidak sesuai dengan harapan keluarga. Namun kecerdasan spiritual yang dimiliki ternyata berperan dalam membantu mengatasi kebimbangan yang dirasakan. Kecerdasan tersebut juga menambah keyakinan pada subjek bahwa ada hikmah dibalik semua kesulitan yang dihadapi. Dari penelitian tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kecerdasan spiritual berperan dalam mengatasi quarter life crisis bagi seorang muslim sehingga perlu adanya peningkatan kecerdasan spiritual sejak dini pada individu.