Summary: | The results of laboratory experiments that show the capabilities of modern georadars are presented. Analysis of GPR capabilities allowed to propose a new approach to solving the actual problem of detecting subsurface cracks. The proposed method for recording pulse signals and data processing is based on algorithms and software previously developed by the authors. With the help of this method and the experiments carried out, the possibility of agreed solution to the problem of choosing the optimal parameters of the GPR pulsed signals was shown. To confirm the effectiveness of the developed signal processing methods, a series of laboratory experiments were carried out. The new version of the program "GeoVizy-2020" made it possible to increase the efficiency of processing complex impulse signals. To check the adequacy of the results obtained, a method was used, which is based on the procedure for direct measurement of the real layer thickness in laboratory and field conditions and comparison of the data obtained with the results of numerical simulation. As a result, evidence is presented of the advantages of using pulsed signals for assessing layer parameters, searching for subsurface cracks and processing the results of surveys of road surfaces is presented.