Summary: | Bartonella bacilliformis, a causative agent of Bartonellosis or Carrión's disease, has become resistant to antibacterial agents. To suggest effective novel drug targets, a comprehensive in silico subtractive genomic approach was employed in the genome of B. bacilliformis subsp. ver097. Different bioinformatics tools and online servers were utilized to determine human homologous proteins of the pathogen, as well as proteins associated with common metabolic pathways of pathogen and host. Only seven proteins were associated in pathogen specific pathways, which were further screened to determine drug or vaccine targeted membrane proteins. ‘ABC transporter permease’ and ‘Flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA’ were found to be novel drug targets which showed the highest level of antigenicity. Moreover, ‘Flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA’ exhibited broad spectrum conservancy with other Bartonella bacilliformis strains. Consequently, it might be used for development of novel drugs and therapeutic components for the successful treatment of infections caused by Bartonella bacilliformis.