Summary: | The rapid development of electrical engineering industries for aviation has resulted in a gradual transition to the autonomous electrohydraulic drives, among which an electro-hydrostatic drive is currently considered to be the most advanced. However, high requirements for dynamic parameters of modern unstable and low-stability aircrafts put restriction on implementation of electro-hydrostatic drives in the industry.A combined control hydraulic drive arisen from the electro-hydrostatic drive development solves the problem of low dynamic parameters. High dynamics for combined control is achieved through the use of double (throttle and electric power) control with each of them being predominant depending on the input signal value.Due to small knowledge of the drive with combined control, the article proposes to use a multi-criterion optimization method in order to obtain optimal results in its development. This will allows an adequate estimate of drive performance for its comparison with analogues and a justification of the feasibility of further research as well.The article describes all the stages of multi-criteria optimization of the combined control drive using the LP-search method. Optimization is carried out taking into account the requirements for modern aircrafts. As criteria, were taken three values , which, in the authors' opinion, provide the most complete description of the entire drive quality (a drive power consumption in the "neutral", an efficiency of the hydraulic part of the drive in the mode of electric power control, a value of ITAE when driving with a small signal). As a result of optimization, the Pareto front was obtained in three coordinates, corresponding to effective solutions, after which a compromise between the criteria was found, and the optimal solution was chosen.The design solution of the combined control drive, obtained after optimization, meets all the requirements for modern aircrafts and has both the high power performance and the high dynamics. Nevertheless, this study should be considered incomplete because of not taking into account a number of parameters, including weight-size and drive reliability ones.