Summary: | Phyllodes tumors (FT) are uncommon biphasic breast tumors that usually occur in adult females. They are fi broepithelial lesions that account for less than 1% of all breast neoplasms. Physical examination, mammography and ultrasound appearances were non-specifi c for FTs. The pre-operative diagnosis of phyllodes tumours is diffi cult, and rapid growth and/or large size of apparent fi broadenomas may be the only imaging fi ndings to suggest phyllodes tumour. Wide excision with a clear margin may be the preferable initial therapy. Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type which constitutes 47-75% of all breast carcinomas. Rarely, the occurrence of carcinoma within a phyllodes tumor has been reported in the literature, but the existance of phylloides tumor and invasive ductal carcinoma in the ipsilateral breast is very uncommon. We report herein the case of a 53-year old women in whom phylloides tumor and invasive ductal carcinoma was found in the histopathological examination of the ipsilateral breast specimen after mastectomy.