Summary: | In the period from 2011 till 2012 the Otcreotide-depot was used by the authors in treatment of 34 patients. The patients were divided into two groups: the first group — the prevention of development and the second group — the treatment of external pancreatic fistulas. Ocreotide-depot was applied in 17 patient of the first group: as part of the complex therapy of severe pancreatitis in 4 patients and after pacreaticoduodenectomy in 13 patients. Ocreotide-depot was used in 17 patients of the second group: 7 cases of patients after different types of pancreatic resections and after external drainage of pancreatic cysts in 10 patients. The positive effect of using the drug was obtained in 30 patients (88,25%): the cases of preventive application of drug in 17 patients and during the treatment of external pancreatic fistulas in 13 patients. The preventive and therapeutic usage of Ocreotide-depot facilitated an uncomplicated postoperative period in 13 cases and the healing of the external pancreatic fistulas in terms from 5 till 7 days in 13 patients. The application of Ocreotide-depot could be recommended as a preventive measure against the incompetence of pancreaticojejunoanastomosis after pancreaticoduodenectomy in complex therapy of severe pancreatitis and also in treatment of external pancreatic fistulas after pancreaticoduodenectomy and percutaneous drainage of postnecrotic pseudocysts.