Summary: | The article presents the evaluation results of varieties, samples, and breeding elites of quince from the gene pool of VIR named after N.I. Vavilov preserved at the Krymsk EBS, VIR Branch. The article presents generalized material based on the study of technical parameters, biochemical composition of quince fruits and products of technological processing (canned food: juice, compote, jam). Differences between varieties by fruit weight and in terms of biochemical indicators content were established: soluble dry substances, sugars, sum of organic acids, ascorbic acid. In the conditions of southern Russia, quince fruits contain relatively higher levels of soluble dry substances (1.2-1.8 times) and ascorbic acid (1.5-2.0 times) compared to apples. According to the research results, selectionally valuable sources of high commercial fruit quality were distinguished, including attractiveness of appearance, taste and density of pulp, organoleptic, biochemical parameters of fresh fruits and evaluation of conversion products: Vernaya, Zvezdnaya, Granitnaya, elite 21-4-51. Varieties - sources of high content of soluble dry substances (23.30-24.58%), organic acids (1.45-1.76%), sugars (13.30-14.90%), ascorbic acid (37.01-42.24 mg/100 g) were identified. For amateur gardening, quince species forms Kaunchi 8, Kaunchi 9, Jardem are proposed as they are juicy, soft, with good biochemical indicators.