Summary: | The rise to power of the Suga Cabinet in Japan in September 2020 and the victory of
J. Biden in the U.S. presidential elections in November 2020 will have a considerable impact on Tokyo's
security policy. According to one view, a focus on the global agenda would force Biden to step up dialogue
with China, which could damage the Japan-U.S. security relations. Others say that Biden will not correct the «hawkish» policy towards China that has emerged under D. Trump, and therefore Japan has no good reason for concern. In its security policy Japan will in any case continue to rely on the Security Treaty with the United States, strengthen security dialogue with India, Australia and other «like-minded» democracies, and develop political dialogue with China and Russia. However, it is too early to ascertain what will be the priorities of this policy and will there be a tilt in any direction.