The study investigates the processes and mechanisms of the legislation of Aceh Qanun 6/2014 on Jinayat Law. It asks the role of Islamic law in such legislation process and the challenges of the application of Islamic penal law in Aceh under the Indonesian legal system. This qualitative research use...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jailani A
Format: Article
Published: Fakultas Syariah UIN Mataram 2017-06-01
Online Access:
Summary:The study investigates the processes and mechanisms of the legislation of Aceh Qanun 6/2014 on Jinayat Law. It asks the role of Islamic law in such legislation process and the challenges of the application of Islamic penal law in Aceh under the Indonesian legal system. This qualitative research uses both textual and empirical sources and employs statute, empirical and conceptual approaches. This study demonstrates that the legislation of Islamic penal code in Aceh has philosophical, sociological and juridical grounds and complies with the procedure of legislation of state law in Indonesia. Despite technical problems, the legislation advanced by ulama, scholars, local legislators, the provincial government and the representation of Muslim society of Aceh, is relatively successful in integrating fiqh, state law and customary law into the Islamic penal code, resulting in what is call as collective consensus (ijtihad jama’i). These findings reveal that the Qanun was endorsed on the pillars of legal pluralism (fiqh, adat and state law) that fits into the principle of rechstaat and Pancasila that is adopted by the Indonesian legal system. Objek penelitian ini adalah proses dan mekanisme Qanun Aceh Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat. Penelitian ini beranjak dari pertanyaan utama penelitian tentang bagaimana proses dan mekanisme legislasi hukum jinayat menjadi hukum positif di Aceh dalam sistem hukum Indonesia. Penelitian ini berbentuk kualitatif, menggabungkan antara penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan penelitian lapangan (field research). Pendekatan yang digunakan terdiri dari pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan emperis, dan pendekatan konseptual. Proses pembentukannya memiliki landasan filosofis, sosiologis dan yuridis dan digabungkan denga prosedur hukum perundang-undangan di negara Indonesia. Pihak yang terlibat dalam perumusan materi muatan raqan Jinayat Aceh terdiri dari unsur ulama, cendikiawan Aceh, institusi penegak hukum (Mahkamah Syar’iyah, Kejaksaan, Kepolisian dan Wilayat Hisbah) serta masyarakat melalui lembaga swadaya masyarakat. Pemerintah Aceh melibatkan Tim Ahli Eksekutif dan Tim Ahli Legislatif dalam pembahasan materi muatan Rancangan Qanun hukum Jinayat. Dinamika pemikiran yang muncul dalam perumusan materi muatan hukum Jinayat telah disepakati sehingga Rancangan Qanun Hukum Jinayat dapat disahkan bersama antara legislatif dan eksekutif. Temuan ini, membuktikan terakomodirnya berbagai sistem hukum di Indonesia dan terintegrasinya kandungan syariat, fikih, hukum positif dan adat yang disesuaikan dengan dasar negara dan Pancasila dengan mengadopsi sistem hukum Indonesia yang berlaku.