Summary: | Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality worldwide and a major preventable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases. Many European countries have adapted relevant legislative measures and are implementing tobacco control policies according to the WHO FCTC and EU recommendations.
Balkan Peninsula is a geographic area in the south-eastern Europe. It is composed of twelve (12) countries. The most of these countries have high smoking rates (i.e Greece 43.7%, Bosnia and Herzegovina 39.0%, Croatia 37.1%, Romania 30%, Albania 29.2% etc.).
In order to have comprehensive policies in tobacco control is important to emphasize on a series of price and non-price measures as described by the articles of WHO FCTC e.g. Packaging and labelling of tobacco products, Education, communication, training and public awareness, Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, Demand reduction measures concerning tobacco dependence and cessation.
Despite the fact that Balkan countries have ratified WHO FCTC and implemented Tobacco Control laws most of the legislation is not enforced and well-implemented. Political measurers and tobacco control policies are not simple because many actors and in different levels are involved. The aim of this workshop is to share experiences, good practices, barriers/facilitators in tobacco control policies and the current legislation from Balkan countries.