Summary: | Karl Stonecipher,1 Richard Potvin2 1Physicians Protocol, Greensboro, NC, USA; 2Science in Vision, Akron, NY, USACorrespondence: Karl StonecipherPhysicians Protocol, 1002 North Church Street, Suite 101, Greensboro, NC 27408, USATel +1 336 288 8823Email Stonenc@gmail.comPurpose: To evaluate the effects of low-level light therapy (LLLT) on the resolution of recalcitrant chalazia.Patients and Methods: This was a single-site retrospective chart review of patients with chalazia, all of whom were unresponsive to previous pharmaceutical therapy or surgical intervention, who received a 15 min LLLT treatment in conjunction with a standard pharmaceutical regimen. A second treatment was applied 24 hrs to as late as 2 months if there was no evidence of progression of resolution in appearance.Results: A total of 26 eyes of 22 patients with relevant history and treatment were reviewed, all with a history of prior pharmaceutical treatment for their chalazia. After a single 15 min LLLT treatment, followed by a standard pharmaceutical regimen, 46% of eyes (12/26) showed resolution of their chalazia. Resolution was noted from 3 days to one-month post-treatment. With a second treatment, the chalazia resolved in 92% of eyes (24/26). Only two eyes of the 26 (8%) required incision and curettage after LLLT treatment.Conclusion: The use of LLLT for the treatment of recalcitrant chalazia appears to be beneficial in patients who have failed topical and/or systemic therapy, significantly reducing the likelihood of requiring surgical intervention.Keywords: LLLT, low level light therapy, chalazion, chalazia